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The idea of Jump Studio begins in London, more exactly in Kilburn, while working at Black Lion Pub. It was a very inspiring experience and the seed for what is now Jump Studio Barcelona. The goal was to create a company that could offer services for audio post production, voiceover recording, music production and location sound.

After a year of preparation, and back in Barcelona, the studio is settled in the heart of Eixample. We started working, and during three years of hard work the project becomes a reality. 


Back in 2020 we can assure that Jump studio succesfully done more than 300 projects with film production companies from Barcelona, Spain, UK and US. Our goal in the future is to expand our market in order to get involved in more exiting, dificult and creative projects.

Audio post production prize Fidewa

Festival de webseries


“Te quiero, Yo tampoco”

Second place

Audio post productin prize Cylema

CyLNEMA 2016


Best Short Film

Audio post production prize premio latino

Premio Latino 2017

"Joan Manen, Variacions sense tema”

Best Music Documentary

At Jump Studio we work with analog and digital equipment. All mic preamps and processors are connected through a Bantam Patchbay to a Motu 828 audio interface. Pro Tools 11 software is our main DAW.
The acoustic treatment has been designed to provide an optimal response in both rooms, allowing the modification of the recording room’s reverberation with the use of removable panels.
Recording Studio microphone

Neumann U87

Schoeps CMC5MK41

Schoeps CMIT5U

Shure SM58

X2Shure SM57

Audix D6

Recording Studio Speaker

Studio Monitors – Dynaudio BM12

Studio Monitors - Genelec 8020 5.1

Control room – Presonus central station

Recording Studio A/D
A / D 

Apple Mac I7 16GB ram

Motu 828x

audio post production knob

Tape delay – Watkins Copycat MKIV

Reverb – Alesis microverb 3

Stereo Compressor – GSSL

Parametric equalizer – APSI 562

X2 Graphic equalizer – APSI 559

X4 Equalizer – S800EQ

Dual Compressor – Drawmer DL241

Recording Studio Mic Preamp

Universal Audio 610MKII

X2 Classic API 312

X3 Sound Devices 6 Series 

X3 Kortwich M3

Audio post production mixing desk

1979 Allen&Heath MOD3

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